Thursday, 23 June 2016

My Son in law

Both of my son's have wonderful in-laws and we get along wonderfully with both sets of in-laws.
My daughter-in-laws are also wonderful loving people whom I have accepted into my family as my own daughters, since I didn't have any. I respect all of them and realize that a daughter is close to her mother and family and we as the SON's parents will most often take second place when it comes to holidays and such. That is okay with me. I don't mind if my children are not with my husband and I on the exact date of a special occasion as I know they love us and it is hard to meld families and holidays without hard feelings. My youngest son's wife's family has a tradition of spending Christmas Eve with one side of the family and Christmas Day with the other side.

his sole ownership is not changed by marriage, whether the child is married before or after receiving the property. Again, just as with property that is received as a gift, the child is not legally obligated to share any portion of that property with his or her spouse.

Even those states that have community or marital property laws generally exclude any property that is inherited by either spouse in an individual capacity from inclusion with the remainder of the community or marital estate. (However, the appreciated value of all such property during the time of marriage will generally be included as community or marital property and subject to division.)

With that said, it is still possible for your child’s spouse to receive a portion of your intestate estate under certain, specific circumstances.

Where does that leave Dad and I?? When they come home, they plan to spend a day with us, whenever is okay with me. Christmas Day is a day that can be celebrated on many days not just Dec 25. So my answer would be to be flexible with your children and don't make an issue which makes them feel quilty about choosing between parents. Don't make your son/daughter-in-law feel as though they are in competiion with you. THEY ARE NOW AS ONE which means that mom(you) are in second place. Accept that and they will LOVE you for understanding.
This is true even when the heir dies prior to the actual distribution of the estate. Although the minimum survival period is an average of five days, it takes much longer for any property from the intestate estate to be distributed to the heirs.

The share of an heir who dies after the minimum survival period, but before distribution of the estate, will simply be given to the deceased heir’s estate.

Once it becomes part of the deceased heir’s estate, the original intestate share will be controlled by that heir’s will or, in the absence of a will, by an interpretation of the intestate laws applicable to that deceased heir.

In the typical scenario, the daughter-in-law or son-in-law will receive all or most of the intestate share intended for a child who initially survives, but dies soon after the parent. Every state’s intestate laws classify the spouse as a primary heir who is entitled to at least a portion of the deceased spouse’s intestate estate. If the deceased child has a will, it is very common for most people to name the spouse as the sole heir, entitled to the entire estate.

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