Sunday, 1 April 2012

Managed dedicated server

Managed dedicated server is a service that includes the hardware, software, and ongoing upkeep of a dedicated server. The dedicated server industry often bundles additional services and products with the servers to provide a deeper level of management.
Managed Dedicated Server providers employ full-time system administrators that maintain dedicated servers. A managed dedicated server allows for not only more productivity, but eases your mind about a multitude of other issues, sometimes unforeseen by the Client and even the developers working on functions of the dedicated hosting server. Security is a very large factor in choosing not only a Managed dedicated hosting company, but also in choosing a managed dedicated Server. Management features include.
Software updates
Operating system updates
Firewall services
Backup services
Advanced technical support
Application deployment
Database management
Server monitoring and recovery
Anti-spam and virus protection
Security scans and audits
Telephone based support
Advanced configurations
Control panel software
Companies that offer managed dedicated servers often include these services as packages with the server. Managed dedicated servers differ from dedicated server or unmanaged dedicated servers as the owners are not expected to be the full time system administrators.

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