
Sunday, 9 October 2011

How To Get Approved:Google AdSense Account

(1)You must have your own domain name when you apply for a publisher account with GA. You can see more benefits of having your own domain name compared to a free domain here.

(2)Always provide quality content on your blog and never thought of copying content from other websites and blogs as no one loves a copy paste blog like Google. Also make sure that the content on your blog is as per the policies of GA. You should publish 30-40 articles at least on your blog before applying for Google AdSense. If you apply with a blog with 3-4 posts only, chances of your GA account approval are very low.

(3)Now it’s not easy to get accepted by AdSense especially for the Indians.There are scammers selling AdSense accounts for cheap prices.Many people are buying those accounts and after some period of time when Adsense discovers that they get banned.New account application from many genuine publishers getting rejected. There can be many reasons for rejection of an AdSense account application.

Reasons For Application Rejection:

AdSense may reject your website for the following reasons-

(1).Under construction-If your site is not complete in all respect.

(2).Sensitive content-The content of your site is not appropriate for the AdSense.

(3).Difficult site navigation-If navigation within your website not easy.

(4).Inappropriate language-If the language not supported by AdSense,or you’ve given false information during registration.

(5).Unacceptable site content-If the content of your website violates AdSense publishers guidelines.

And for any other issues that AdSense thinks has not been addressed by your site.

Before you apply for an AdSense account for your website make sure you’re following these rules:

To avoid rejection you should follow few things before applying for an AdSense account.

(1).Make sure your website is at least 6 months old.

(2). It is complete in all respect-designing and content.It should not be an under construction site.Make sure it is well structured.

(3). Write lots of informative original articles.And try to get some traffic mainly via search engines.

(4).Your website must be on a top level domain,like .com,.net .It should not be on a sub domain.

(5). Your domain must be registered on your name.And Who is information of your domain must be public.Domain should not be privacy protected.

(6). You must have the authority to edit the source code of the website.That is you’ll have to be the owner of the website you are applying for an AdSense account.

(7).There should be a page that verifies your ownership to the website.Name that page

“Google AdSense-Site Ownership Confirmation” and write “This post confirms my
ownership of the site and that this site adheres to Google AdSense program policies and Terms and Conditions.”

(8).Add a privacy policy to your website.

(9).Make sure your website is not already filled with contextual ads from other AdSense competitors.

(10).Take care of all the broken links in your website.

If you follow all these steps,it’ll be easier to get approved by the AdSense.

How To Apply For The AdSense Account?

Follow these steps to apply for an Adsense account-

(1).Go to the Google adsense page and click on the ‘Sign Up’ Link.

(2).In the ‘sign up’ page give all the required information.Website URL,Website Language,account type,full name,country,full address,phone number etc.Make sure to check all the required boxes.

After that, click ‘Submit Information’.Now you’re done.Wait for the reply from the AdSense,which usually comes within a week.

Very important. you should have some quality content to be accepted by Google adsense. and the age of your Domain is also important to be accepted.

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